Are We Building Competitive and Liveable Cities?: Guidelines for Developing Eco-Efficient and Socially Inclusive Infrastructure

The guidelines have been developed to inspire change among local governments (and other actors in the field of urban development) in the planning, designing and managing of urban infrastructure. The goal is to encourage an integrated approach, taking into account
principles and criteria of eco-efficiency and social inclusiveness. Such an approach will help decision makers and planners identify and prioritise win-win solutions that lead to improved
competitiveness of a city and the quality of life of its inhabitants, including the poor, through environmentally sustainable urban development. Such development boosts a city’s attractiveness to both investors and residents. The guidelines provide a framework of approaches and tools that can be applied in different degrees of depth and breath, according to the level of resources and capacities of each city. Therefore, they provide a useful reference for any city, regardless of its size or level of development.


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16 July 2020 at 2pm GMT