Housing, Land & Property Issues in Lebanon: Implications of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

The urgent need for basic shelter has pushed many Syrian families to live in poor conditions, frequently in spaces not designed as shelters. The situation is further exacerbated with the arrival of new refugees, reducing hence the availability of housing and increasing the risk of eviction. The presence of these refugees has also had adverse consequences for host communities due to increased competition over affordable housing, the inadequacy of the existing infrastructure and services, and competition over limited employment opportunities. In light of these challenges, UNHCR and UNHabitat conducted an assessment of housing, land and property (HLP) issues related to the Syrian refugee crisis. This report reviews the impact of the crisis in four specific areas: (i) shelter options available to refugees; (ii) HLP rights of refugees and host communities; (iii) housing and property markets; and (iv) land-use, particularly in heavily impacted cities and towns, but also in rural areas.
The purpose of this research study is to inform humanitarian and government entities and help in designing policies, planning decisions and programs so as to ensure that refugees and vulnerable Lebanese families have access to safe, affordable and adequate shelter.

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حمّل دليل DeCID للتصميم التشاركي للبنى التحتية الاجتماعية مع الأطفال المتأثرين بالنزوح بعد

16 July 2020 at 2pm GMT