The Nightmare of Participation. (Crossbench Praxis as A Mode of Criticality)

In this book, the author argues for an urgent inversion of participation, a model beyond modes of consensus. Instead of reading participation as the charitable saviour of political struggle, Miessen candidly reflects on the limits and traps of its real motivations. Rather than breading the next generation of consensual facilitators and mediators, he argues for conflict as an enabling, instead of disabling, force. The book calls for a format of conflictual participation—no longer a process by which others are invited “in,” but a means of acting without mandate, as uninvited irritant: a forced entry into fields of knowledge that arguably benefit from exterior thinking. Sometimes, democracy has to be avoided at all costs.

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حمّل دليل DeCID للتصميم التشاركي للبنى التحتية الاجتماعية مع الأطفال المتأثرين بالنزوح بعد

16 July 2020 at 2pm GMT