Young Children’s Rights: Exploring Beliefs, Principles and Practice

This book examines how children’s rights as set out in the UNCRC applies to young children (0-8 years old). It discusses how to find a balance between children’s provision, protection and participation rights, especially when adults consider that they are looking out for a child’s ‘best interest’ they become overprotective and deny children their right to express themselves freely and to be listened to. This book invites us to rethink our attitudes towards young children’s rights, drawing on new theories, practical evidence and research about children’s daily lives.


حمّل دليل DeCID للتصميم التشاركي للبنى التحتية الاجتماعية مع الأطفال المتأثرين بالنزوح بعد

16 July 2020 at 2pm GMT