Psychological Empowerment: Issues and Illustration

The thesis of this paper is that the development of a universal and global measure of psychological empowerment may not be a feasible or appropriate goal. It begins by distinguishing between empowerment processes and outcomes. Underlying assumptions are discussed including the notion that empowerment differs across people, contexts, and times. A nomological network that includes intrapersonal, interactional, and behavioural components is also presented. Two examples of psychological empowerment for voluntary service organization members and members of a mutual help organization are described to help illustrate differences in the specific variables that may be used to measure psychological empowerment in different populations and settings.


حمّل دليل DeCID للتصميم التشاركي للبنى التحتية الاجتماعية مع الأطفال المتأثرين بالنزوح بعد

16 July 2020 at 2pm GMT