Boulder, United States, 2009 / ongoing

Photo courtesy of Jade Cody/Growing Up Boulder

Growing up Boulder’ is an initiative by the University of Colorado, the City of Boulder, and the Boulder Valley School District in partnership with local non-profits, businesses, children and youths aged 0-18. It began in 2009 with the vision of making Boulder a model for a child- and youth-friendly city.

‘Growing up Boulder’ engages children in projects such as the design of public spaces, housing, and transit systems in order to include their input in local government decisions.

Projects usually arise from the planning needs of city partners. ‘Growing up Boulder’ staff then identify project-specific partners, including schools or other youth-serving organisations.

The initiative especially promotes the inclusion of underrepresented children and youths, such as immigrants, ethnic minorities and young persons with disabilities, to give them the opportunity to influence issues that affect their lives.

Download the handbook by clicking on the button below. Arabic and Spanish versions will be available soon.