For small-scale built interventions, the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manual should contain at least the following documentation: 

  • As built drawings: Technical drawings representing the intervention as built (also indicating materials used); 
  • Instructions for operation and maintenance: This contains information on how to operate the space from a technical point of view, in particular what should not be done. For example, whether roofing can be walked on or not. Maintenance instructions will indicate how often to conduct maintenance, how to conduct it and where to source the necessary materials for it; 
  • Copies of guarantees and warranties: Including warranty documentation on building materials used;
  • Planned maintenance schedule;
  • List of providers: In support of maintenance instructions, the list of providers is helpful should any built component need replacing. If a specific component needs maintenance, having the list of providers who worked on the project (such as carpenter or electrician) can make the maintenance process more effective as they have pre-existing knowledge and may know how to fix the issue.

It is useful to assume a worst-case scenario in terms of the capacity of those who will conduct maintenance. This means that instructions and drawings should be very simple and clear, in order to prevent harm and facilitate efficient and safe maintenance.

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